Saturday, November 23, 2019

The artist must possess the couragous soul...the brave soul. The soul that dares and defies. Quote in The Awakening that mst accurately describes Edna.

The artist must possess the couragous soul...the brave soul. The soul that dares and defies. Quote in The Awakening that mst accurately describes Edna. Madameoiselle Riesz tells Edna that in order to suceed, "the artist must possessthe couragous soul...the brave soul. The soul that dares and defies." This mostaccurately describes Edna. Edna does possess the courages soul and the soulthat dares and defies. She was inspired my Madameoiselle Riesz who is anartist herself and possesses the soul to be only herself.With the help of Madameoiselle Riesz, Edna was able to be herself and actout on her desires and urges. She no longer had to force herself to be someonewho she wasn't in order to fit in with the "mother-women." She no longer hadto fit in. Madameoiselle Riesz gave Edna the courage to search deep insideherself for what was really there, for even she had no idea, and then act onthat.At the beginning of the novel Edna is only existing, only going throughthe motions of life.English: AdeleShe is unhappy and doesn't really know why. Deep insideher is the need to escape and be free from her obligations as a wife andmother. She has alway s possessed this independent attitude and felt trappedby her family. It was only when Edna met and became friends with Adele andMadameoiselle Reisz that she was able to realize why she was unhappy andwhat was missing in her life.As Edna begins to realize more and more about herself and what she ismissing in her life, she is able to become more independent and become thefree women she has always seceretly desired to become.Edna refuses to be controlled and devote heself to her husband andchildren. She wants to be independent, able to come and go as she pleaseswithout having to worry about the rules and restrictions that come...

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