Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Galileo Essay -- essays research papers fc

"Galileo was that guy who compensateed the telescope." This is what most people say whenthey think about Galileo. However, Galileo did non eveninvent the telescope he only make im instalments to it so itcould be use for astronomy. Galileo did use it to makemany important discoveries about astronomy, though manyof these discoveries helped to prove that the sun was thecenter of the galaxy. Galileo also made many importantcontributions to Physics he notice that the path of aprojectile was a parabola, that objects do not fall withspeeds proportional to their weight, and much more. Forthese discoveries, Galileo is often referred to as the founderof modern experimental science. Galileo Galilei was born inPisa, Italy on February 15, 1564. Until he was about 10 days old, Galileo lived in Pisa in 1574 the family moved toFlorence where Galileo started his education atVallombroso, a nearby monastery. In 1581, Galileo went tothe University of Pisa to study medicine, the field his fath erwanted him to peruse. While at the University of Pisa,Galileo discovered his interest in Physics and Mathematicshe switched his major from medicine to mathematics. In1585, he decided to leave the university without a degree topursue a job as a teacher. He spend four years looking for ajob during this time, he tutored privately and wrote on somediscoveries that he had made. In 1589, Galileo was given thejob of professor of Mathematics at the University of Pisa.His contract was not renewed in 1592, but received anotherjob at the University of Padua as the chair of Mathematicshis main duties were to teach Geometry and Astrology.Galileo taught at the university for eighteen years. Galileomade many important discoveries from the time he was bornto when he remaining the University of Padua, 1564-1610. Whileattending the University of Pisa, 1584, Galileo discoveredthe principle of isochronism. Isochronism showed that theperiod of a pendulum remains the same no matter what theamplitude i s. Galileo was said to have discovered this agewatching a chandelier swing in the cathedral next to theLeaning Tower of Pisa. Galileo proved the isochronism of apendulum in 1602. He later used his discovery to design aclock that used pendulums. While Galileo was looking for ajob after he left the University of Pisa, 1856, he invented thehydrostatic balance. Thi... ...eo made many importantdiscoveries for the field of Physics he opened the way forscientists to combined Mathematic and Physics. He alsoproved that the sun was the center of the galaxy. Galileodeserved to be called the founder of modern experimentalscience. Bibliography Dunn, Travis. Galileo Biography.Http/es.rice.edu/ES/ humsoc/Galileo/index.html. 23 January1996. Field, J.V. Galileo Galilei.http//www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/-history/Mathematicians/Galileo.html.August 1995. "Galileo Got it Wrong." New Scientist. 4 June1987, p. 36. MacKeith, Bill. "Galileo Galilei." The ClassicalScientists. Southside Ltd. Edinburgh, England. 1989. vol.15, pp. 25-44. OMalley, Charles D. "Galileo." The NewEncyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc.Chicago, Illinois. 1989. vol. 19, pp. 640-642. Stillman,Drake. The Life of Galileo Galilei. http//www.owlnet.rice.edu/-jessdave/Galileo2.html. 1980. Stillman,Drake. "Galileo." Microsoft Encarta. procure 1994Microsoft Corp. Copyright 1994 Funk & Wagnalls Corp.Stillman, Drake. "Galileo." The World Book Encyclopedia.World Book Inc. London, England. 1995. vol. 8, pp.11-12.

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